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How to Use Pinterest to Increase Blog Traffic

by trustedjobsformom
How to Use Pinterest to Promote your Blog

Starting a blog is the first step; Getting organic traffic to your website is the obstacle. While developing compelling content and selecting the correct niche is essential, promotion is as important. Pinterest is one network that is gaining popularity as a potent promotional tool for blogs. Pinterest can be a game changer in attracting attention to your site due to its distinct user base and visual-centric strategy.

Starting a blog is a thrilling endeavor, but it is only the beginning. The actual problem is getting people to find and interact with your material. You may have written fantastic content, chosen the ideal niche, and built a beautiful website. Efficient promotion prevents your blog from getting lost in the vast digital environment. That’s where Pinterest comes in—a dynamic platform with a distinct approach that can significantly increase the visibility of your blog and attract a dedicated audience.

What is the point of Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual discovery engine, not merely a social media platform. It’s a location where people go to get ideas, inspiration, and solutions. As a blogger, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your well-written blog entries will find a home here, drawing a genuine readership interested in your field. Pinterest provides a unique platform for advertising your content—visual, engaging, and capable of significantly increasing traffic to your site.

This blog post looks at how to use Pinterest to enhance blog visibility and attract readers. You’ll learn various strategies and tactics for fully utilizing this Pinterest, from expanding your Pinterest following to designing eye-catching pins and successfully tracking your blog visitors.

1. Growing Your Pinterest Following: Laying the Groundwork

Growing your Pinterest following is the first step in your journey. While not all followers will become loyal readers of your site, establishing a solid foundation is critical. In this section, we’ll go through ways to boost your followers organically and why this is important for blog marketing.

The Importance of Increasing Your Pinterest Following:

– Broader Reach: Your initial audience is your Pinterest followers. When you pin a blog article or an appealing image connected to your content to Pinterest, it displays in their feed. The more followers you have, the greater the initial reach of your material.

-Increased Engagement: A more expansive audience means more Engagement. Likes, comments,Repin and shares increase the visibility of your material and signal to Pinterest’s algorithm that it is valuable, potentially leading to additional distribution.

– Referral Traffic: While only a few of your followers may read your blog directly, they can be critical sources of referral traffic. You have the option to turn them into regular readers or subscribers when they click on your pins and visit your blog.

How to Increase Your Pinterest Following Organically:

– Consistent Pinning: Pinning stuff on a regular basis keeps your profile active and visible. Aim to pin a combination of your blog pieces and other related, high-quality information. Consistency keeps your following interested.

– Quality over Quantity: Put quality ahead of quantity. Pins relevant to your niche and target audience are more likely to gain engaged followers.

– Interact with Others: Interact with other Pinterest users by liking, commenting, and sharing their pins. This contact can result in reciprocal following and higher visibility in the Pinterest community.

– Optimise Your Profile: Make sure your Pinterest profile is complete and reflects the branding and niche of your blog. To ensure users interested in your niche can easily discover you, make use of relevant keywords in your profile description. This will enhance your visibility, allowing you to attract the right audience.

– Collaborate and Participate: Join and actively participate in group boards relating to your blog’s topic. Group boards frequently have a wider audience, making them a fantastic way for followers to expand.

– Cross-Promote on Other Platforms: Cross-promotion on your other social media platforms will assist in routing your existing audience to your Pinterest profile, kickstarting your follower development.

– Hold Contests and Giveaways: Organising Pinterest contests or giveaways can be an excellent method to gain new followers. Ensure the contests are relevant to the content and interests of your blog.

– Analyse and Adapt: Use Pinterest analytics to see which pins and techniques generate the most followers. To increase your Pinterest following, it’s important to adjust your strategy according to these findings.

Remember that increasing your Pinterest following is about developing an engaged community of users who are interested in your material. This engaged audience will not only help to market your blog but will also add to its overall success.

2. Regularly Pinning Group Boards: Expanding Your Reach

After you’ve built the groundwork by increasing your Pinterest following, it’s time to harness the potential of group boards. Consistently pinning on these boards can dramatically increase the visibility of your blog. This part will review the basics of pinning on group boards.

The Importance of Group Board Pinning:

– Extended Audience: Group boards have various contributors, so your pins reach a larger audience beyond your following. This can improve the number of repins, likes, and click-throughs to your blog.

– higher Engagement: Group boards are frequently quite busy, which leads to higher Engagement on your pins. Increased involvement may cause Pinterest’s algorithm to show your pins to a larger audience.

– Networking Opportunity: By participating on group boards, you can connect with other bloggers and influencers in your niche. This networking can result in beneficial relationships and increased exposure.

Pinning Strategies for Group Boards:

– Consistency: When pinning to group boards, consistency is just as important as it is when pinning to personal boards. Aim to pin on a frequent basis to keep your material visible.

– Relevance: Select group boards that are related to the niche of your site. To maximize their impact, your pins should be related to the group board’s subject.

– Interaction: Interact with other group board contributors by liking, commenting, and repinning their work. Building relationships on these boards can result in increased visibility for your pins.

– Pin Scheduling: Automate your pinning schedule using scheduling software. This guarantees that your pins are shared at the best moments for the greatest reach.

– Track Performance: Use Pinterest analytics to track the performance of your pins on group boards. Determine which boards are generating the most activity and direct your efforts accordingly.

Process Streamlining Tools:

– Tailwind: Tailwind is a popular Pinterest scheduling application that allows you to organize and automate your pinning schedule, which makes managing many group boards easier.

– Board Insights: Some group boards include insights into pin performance, providing helpful information about which pins engage with the audience.

– Collaboration Tools: Within-group boards, use collaboration tools to engage with other participants and remain informed about the board’s rules and guidelines.

Incorporating group boards into your Pinterest approach can significantly increase your site’s visibility. You’ll reach new audiences and increase traffic to your site by continuously pinning and connecting with these boards.

3. Measuring Success by Tracking Your Blog Traffic from Pinterest

Monitoring traffic from Pinterest is critical for determining your operations’ efficiency. In this part, we’ll show you how to track referral traffic and see if your ideas work.

The Importance of Tracking Your Pinterest Traffic:

– Performance Evaluation: Tracking Pinterest traffic enables you to assess the effectiveness of your Pinterest marketing initiatives. You can discover which pins and boards are generating the most traffic.


Diane May 8, 2021 - 9:03 am

Thank you so much for this! I launched my blog last August but I only added content without further promoting it on social platforms. A scheduler might prove handy since I don’t have that much free time to dedicate to manually pinning several times a day. Which do you recommend, Planoly or Tailwind? Thanks!

Denise May 11, 2021 - 3:47 pm

Pinterest makes for almost 70% of my traffic which is insane! Granted, Pinterest is all about mom blogs so it makes sense but I didn’t expect it to be such a goldmine! This is slowly getting to be my fave platform. I’m only upset I didn’t start using it sooner. My site would have probably been in a much better position right now.


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